Ignore It At Your Financial Peril
There is an art and science to filling up a tee sheet. Keep in mind that every tee time that goes unfilled on a busy day costs money. Add it up over a year, and it is lots of money. Unfortunately, you can’t put an unused tee time back on the shelf and sell it again later – it’s lost revenue – for good.
For this reason, Mosaic developed an entire course on mastering tee sheet management, offering it through our Mosaic University training program. It is a thorough education on how to make the most money booking golfers and applies to private clubs as well as daily fee clubs. If you think it is simple, consider what our pro shop staff learn:
- The art of scheduling double tee starts to maximize play at prime times or to work around bad weather.
- Shotgun starts. They are not just for outings.
- Reverse shotgun starts for when you want to have regular tee times and a shotgun start too.
- Early bird tee times. Getting nine hole golf in first thing in the morning.
- Pairing smart. Making sure each group leaves as a foursome on busy days.
- Booking outside prime time first to maximize your yield.
- Rebooking players when they check in, cancel, or make a tee time.
- How to reduce no shows and short shows.
- Replay strategies.
- Bounce back certificates.
- The wait list call back method.
Maximizing revenue through professional tee sheet management training is critical. Now you can see why you ignore it at your peril.